Bad Jokes, Baguettes and Our Common Thread

Life's too short to stress out about most of the stuff we stress over. Let's all lighten up and share a laugh or two. And funny custom patches are a way to do that.

I stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone.

Then it dawned on me.


Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?

They taste funny.


OK, I hear you groaning out there. Just felt like we needed something to lighten the mood a bit. There’s so much wackadoodle stuff going on in the world right now. It’s far too easy to get caught up in it and take ourselves WAY too seriously.

You know what I mean – politics, the environment, religion, you name it. It seems like we’re dividing ourselves into so many different groups these days. It feels like we’re in danger of forgetting our common humanity. What better way to be reminded that we’re all part of the same tribe than a few good Dad Jokes?


Did you see the review of that new restaurant in outer space?

Great food, no atmosphere.


What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta.


See? It doesn’t matter who you are. These jokes are so bad, you can’t help but smile a little, even as you wince. We all do. And that’s important. At the end of the day, no matter what political party we’re part of, no matter if we’re rich or poor, native or foreign, black or white, we’re all human beings.


How many apples grow on a tree?

All of them.


OK, so what do these terrible jokes have to do with custom patches? Just like the jokes, patches can bring a smile to your face, and maybe make you forget about the heavy stuff going on in the world, at least temporarily. Try it. Your patches can be as simple as a single word. Take “wackadoodle,” for example. It’s a funny word, yes? (And for you language snobs, it’s in the Oxford English Dictionary, so there.)

Look, life’s too short to worry about most of the stuff we worry about. How about we all lighten up, share a laugh, and celebrate the fact that we’re all a little bit crazy. Think about it – you’ve got a lovably nutso Cousin Frank or Uncle Bob or Aunt Sherri somewhere in your family. And so does everyone else. And if you don’t – well, maybe you’re the nutso one!


Why did the coffee file a police report?

It got mugged.


So how about we break bread together, get to know one another and see what happens? It’s worth a shot. And by the way, if you’re interested in making the world a better place through funny patches, give us a call at 888-677-4809, or email us at [email protected].

Speaking of bread….


Did you hear that the zoo just added a baguette exhibit?

Yep. Bread in captivity.
