Black Friday Sales? Not for Us
Thanksgiving is for families. So is Black Friday.
There’s a lot to love about Thanksgiving. Food. Family. Football. It’s a great day, a true celebration of the blessings of life in America.
And for many, the day after is another truly American event – Black Friday.
Black Friday gets its name from the fact that it once was the day that retail stores’ revenues went “into the black” for the year, thanks to holiday shoppers. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the busiest shopping day of the year. That distinction usually goes to the Saturday before Christmas.
For the past few decades, Black Friday has been a day of super sales, doorbusters and the like, and folks standing in line for hours to get a deal on the year’s great thing. But recently, there’s been a backlash building against the consumerism of the day.
After years of extending Black Friday deals even as far back as the evening before Thanksgiving, many businesses have returned to closing on the holiday itself. In fact, Target recently announced it will never open on Thanksgiving Day again, in order to give employees time to spend with their families.
We like that. At Custom-Patches4Less.com, we’re a family owned business. We treasure time spent with family and friends, and want our employees to do the same. That’s why we’re closed on Thanksgiving Day. And we’ve also extended the closure through Black Friday as well. We want all our staff to have plenty of time to enjoy seeing loved ones they might see only once or twice a year.
Of course, not many of you out there are thinking about patches this weekend anyway, so it would be a pretty slow day. And we understand that.
For us, this is a season of celebration and togetherness. There’s plenty of time for commerce and selling patches on the Monday after the holiday.
So with that in mind, we once again wish you and yours a safe and happy Thanksgiving. See you on Cyber Monday.