More Color = More Impact! Give Your Patches Visual Power
If you want your patch design to really make a splash, add color.
You might see a theme in this blog post, carried over from the previous one. Yes, this one too is about color.
With good reason. Let’s face it, the last couple of years have been difficult for many of us. It’s easy to see the world in drab shades of gray. But the Lunar New Year is under way – Happy Year of the Tiger! – with its lanterns, dragons, and bright, vibrant reds everywhere.
That’s why we say it’s time to add some color to your patch designs. We know, you think you don’t need color, your patches are fine, et cetera.
To which we say, OK, don’t you want your patches to be even more effective? If you’re promoting a brand, organization or team, don’t you want your logo seen and appreciated by as many people as possible?
That’s what color does for you. It’s eye-catching. Sure a simple black and white patch has a certain formal elegance to it, but try adding a bold red stripe. Presto, you’ve just kept the formal look, but added more attention-grabbing detail to it. It’s now more visually interesting.
With the challenges of the past couple of years, people are looking for something to brighten their day. You can literally do that with a bright design that people just can’t miss.
We offer ways to add plenty of color to your patches. We give you up to seven thread colors free. We can add even more for a slight extra charge. But that’s just the beginning.
Want to attract more attention? We offer metallic threads for just a little bit more per patch. Add sparkle and extra flair to your patches for less than you might think.
Still want bigger, bolder, brighter? We’ve got you covered! Go for neon thread colors. This is our brightest, boldest thread look, and it really creates a patch look you just can’t miss.
If it’s something closer to photorealistic colors you want, we can do PVC patches too. These soft, rubberlike patches will really stand out from any shirt, jacket, cap or other garment.
So what do you say? Let’s get 2022 jump-started with color! Call or email us to find out how your patches can stand out from the gray, boring everyday!