POW-MIA Patches Remind Us Freedom Isn't Free

POW/MIA patches help us remember those who have not yet returned.

We like to concentrate on this blog about light subjects. But with Veterans Day approaching, there’s a serious use for patches that we’d like to discuss.

Throughout U.S. history, the cost of freedom has been high. Our military battles have exacted a terrible, if necessary, price. Many have died to preserve our nation, and democracy around the world. Many more have been wounded.

And some have been taken as prisoners of war or have gone missing in action. Some return, but far too many do not.

The numbers are sobering. The federal Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency estimates there are currently more than 81,000 U.S. service members still unaccounted for from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf Wars and even the Cold War. That’s 81,000 families who don’t know what happened to their loved ones.

Custom POW/MIA gear, including patches, is a way to remember, and remind others, of the brave citizens who remain unaccounted for.

A Classic, Simple Design

The classic design originated with a flag. is simple black and white, featuring a single, gaunt soldier, being watched by a guard in a tower, with barbed wire behind. The words “POW-MIA” appear above the image and “You are not forgotten” along the bottom, on a black background.

Those last four words are critical. They keep prisoners and missing persons in the minds of the public, and remind us all that the job of bringing American soldiers home is not over. It also reminds families of those individuals that the nation has not forgotten their loved ones, or their sacrifice.

In 1979, Congress designated the third Friday in September as POW/MIA Recognition Day to honor those who remain missing.

POW/MIA patches can be worn on leather or denim jackets, shirts, hats, or placed on backpacks, duffel bags or other items. They are a solemn reminder to all of us of the debt we owe the men and women who protect our shores, our freedom and democracy around the world.

You can wear POW/MIA patches and fly POW/MIA flags year round. In fact, the flag has been the only flag other than the American flag to be flown over the White House. It also is the only non-national flag our government has mandated to fly regularly, on POW/MIA Recognition Day.

If you’d like to order POW/MIA patches, let us know. Email us or call to find out more.