Stitching Basics for Embroidered Custom Patches
SO...you've made the decision to move forward with your custom patches for your bike rally, scout troop camporee, soccer or air-soft team. What do you do from here? An age-old question, so let's see if we can decipher some of the secrets from the ART DIRECTOR himself
So you've made the decision to move forward with your custom patches for your bike rally, Scout troop camporee, soccer or airsoft team. What do you do from here? An age-old question, so let's see if we can decipher some of the secrets from the Art Director himself.
The biggest thing to remember is that when we build custom embroidered patches, we work with needle and thread. Some of the smaller details will not make the final cut. One good rule of thumb to remember is that if your text is not at least 3/8” tall, it will most likely be single-stitched, and not legible, which defeats the purpose of a custom patch.
Second ... please, no gradient shading. That's when the color gradually fades from orange to red to yellow, for example. It's a great effect, but we cannot replicate it. No embroiderer can, simply because there's really no thread made like that. We're back to the needle-and-thread issue.
If you need special colors for your custom embroidered patch, there are a couple things to remember. If you need a specific Pantone® PMS value assigned to your patch, please let us know. We use the Coated book for Pantone PMS values, and you can find one at most any local printer. You can also go to the Designing page, which shows both available background twill colors and thread colors. Click on them to enlarge the colors and thread numbers, and let us know your choices.
If you can help us by following these simple tips, we'll get you a terrific design on the first proof, and you're on your way!