You Can't Go Wrong with Custom Summer Patches
Summer's a fine time for patches of every kind.
Welcome to summer, my friends! The sandal-wearing, cooler-toting, beach-rockin’ season is officially here. And with it comes plenty of opportunities for some great patch vibes.
We’re not talking just our ordinary patches here. We’re talking hot patches, cool patches, every kinda patch. We’re talking tire patches, software patches, truck patches (the garden kind), pumpkin patches, pirate eye patches and even soul patches!
All right, fine. This is a rough patch. We can’t sell you any of those kinds of patches. But have you ever tried to see how many phrases you can make containing the word patch? Try it sometime.
Merriam-Webster online lists 19 variations on the definition of “patch.” Kinda remarkable, isn’t it, that a simple little word can mean so many different things?
That’s the beauty of patches, their versatility. And that’s true of the embroidered, woven or PVC ones we do sell, too.
Consider the most basic embroidered patch, the uniform name patch. It actually says several different things at once. It tells the customer the wearer works for you, and that you’re proud enough of that person’s work to let customers know they do. It tells the employee you value them as a person and want the customer to know it. And it adds a degree of professionalism to the uniform.
Morale patches in the military serve another purpose. They help troops cope with the daily stresses and absurdities of military life in a humorous way. Sometimes the official patch just doesn’t cut it.
While morale patches can be subtle, jacket patches are often about as subtle as a billboard. The large image on the back of the jacket can celebrate a band, promote a business or declare the name of a motorcycle club. It all depends on the wearer.
So why not patch up and hit the road this summer, with custom patches of all styles, sizes and shapes? What you say is up to you. We’re here to help you say it.